Author Archive: admin

Library Connect

Deaf Heritage Centre Library Service      Hello welcome to the Deaf Heritage Centre library, here we supply all kinds of books on various different topics such as history, education, sign language, linguistics and many more. Are you interested? Well…
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The Development of ISL

While ISL has not always been used as the primary method of instruction in education the language itself has continued to grow. It is imponant to remember that a minority (10%) of Deaf children are actually born to Deaf parents. These children acquire Irish…
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Francis Ross Maguire

Francis Ross Maguire was born on June 16, 1855, in Lambeth (London), son of Hugh Thomas Maguire. Engineering Surveyor, and Maria, Needlewoman. His parents were married in 1847 and reared nine children, of whom three were Deaf – the eldest, Theresa, born in Kings county…
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About us

History of the Heritage Centre It started back in 1999 with a committee of two and now it has grown to a committee of 7. The current chairperson is Liam Breen. The other members are: David Breslin, Edward Nealon. Fergus…
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Deaf Heritage Centre

The Deaf heritage centre is developing Ireland’s only Deaf museum, which arose after 14 years of extensive collecting of artefacts, materials and written records tracing back 200 years. The collections came from deaf schools, clubs, institutions and churches as well as a number…
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